How do we pay tribute to, immortalize, and eulogize a person who was our mentor, our friend, our animal caretaker; the list goes on. He was so much to so many, a person bigger than life, yet was very simple in his own needs. He did so much for so many that his passing is going to create, not ripples, but tsunamis. He did little for himself.
Peter S. Sakas, we’re going to miss your corny jokes and stories. We’re going to miss our annual trips to Joliet Junior College and Parkland Vet College, in always the worst weather possible. Trying to keep each other awake. Stopping at DQ for the worst food possible, but having a great time together. Co-lecturing for hours on end to eager vet techs, in hopes of sparking a passion in them for a career in avian veterinary medicine you loved so much. The bantering between you and Karen; her the pessimist, you the optimist. It is very difficult to say goodbye to you, Pete, so for now, we’ll say see you later. Please take care of Koa, Sigh, Jasmine, Esmerelda, Tara, Lucci, Freddie, Pierce, Coco, Jesse, Scout, Kajal, Vytus, Peaches, Shikoba, Crystal, Casper, Max, and too many more to name.
The man who always said he had a golden horseshoe up his *+#, we just wished he used it for himself this one time.
Richard S Weiner & Karen Rae Weiner