Frankie and his buddy, Mango, came to the Refuge 11/14/07. He's in great shape and seems to prefer women.
We have received an update from Samantha, Frankie's forever mom - September 5, 2008: I just wanted to share a few things about Frankie. We are now going on 6 months together. He is a very sweet bird, except for being a little cranky first thing in the morning, he refuses to leave his cage, until at least an hour after he's eaten.
Frankie loves having company over, he's 10x's more talkative and makes all sorts of chirps and whistles. His vocabulary has also increased, and I've overheard him talking in my voice, when he thought I wasn't home.
One of Frankie's favorite things to do with me is going outside to fetch the mail. He LOVES being outside and going for rides in the car, which still surprises me because he is still incredibly skittish.
As much as I'd love to rub his neck, he still won't allow anyone to touch his body. Except, when we are in the shower, he lets me nuzzle his belly.
Finally, Frankie and I are moving. Grant brought a house on the other side of town, so we will be settling in to the new house by October 5th.